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Market Access in The Netherlands

Our dutch Market Access specialists’ primary objective is to ensure that patients who require therapy have access to it when they require it. Patients now face greater barriers to accessing life-saving medications than ever before. We’re ready ot help you navigate the present Dutch market access environment.

Advancing your goals

The Netherlands has a social health insurance system that requires that all citizens obtain health insurance. Adults are responsible for both the premium and the percentage of the premium based on their income. The Netherlands’ healthcare system is one of the greatest globally, earning it the prestigious title of EHCI (European Health Care Index).

Still, technological and demographic advancements have increased the demand on healthcare expenditures, forcing insurers and providers to rethink how money is spent. Payers are increasingly interested in evidence of a drug’s increased value, as well as pricing and payment systems that minimize risk to their healthcare system.

Market Access Strategy

To demonstrate real value and mitigate risks for you and your external stakeholders, our cross-functional team can be involved from early development to create outstanding Market Access plans.

National & Local Liaison

Collaborating with national and local payers to ensure timely and candid input on your Market Access strategy and dossier.

The Dutch Reimbursement landscape


Health insurers provide coverage for all people through a framework that includes essential medical expenses (Health Insurance Act) as well as long-term nursing and care (Long-term care act). Additionally, voluntary health insurance is available for those who seek additional benefits. Prior to insurance coverage, there are three significant governmental agencies.

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The Medicines Evaluation Board is responsible for market authorization and evaluates the efficacy, safety and quality of new therapies.

The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports (VWS) is responsible for including the drugs and services in the primary healthcare package. It is also involved in the drug price negotiation with the pharmaceutical companies.

The National Healthcare Institute (ZIN) advises the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports regarding benefit package, quality improvement, fund management, and distribution to health insurers.

“Navigate The Dutch Reimbursement System With Isheo.”

Start a conversation

Please feel free to contact us. We are always glad to offer you our support,  discuss how to generate new evidence and disseminate results of modern-day advances in medical science. Leave us a request and we will turn back to you with a tailored strategy, a plan of activities, and a mindset to help you advance your goals.

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