Webinar: Market Access in Italy

Are you looking to launch a new drug in Italy? When deciding to enter Italy, realise that there not a single health system but many small health systems, each requiring a detailed market entry strategy. The two main hurdles to obtaining entry into the Italian Pharmaceutical formulary are the Technical Scientific and the Pricing and Reimbursement Commissions.
Since 2007, each Region has developed its specific regional procedures. These requirements are always changing, and you must submit to the individual Regions for inclusion in their regional formulary to enter Italian Regions.
Join this ISHEO webinar to formulate your successful Market Access strategy for Italy without costly delays.
- Why do you need a solid strategy for Market Access in Italy?
- Why Italy is a peculiar market?
- Is the national dossier enough for you to gain access?
- Can you use the same dossier from the national one and apply it in the regional setting?
About ISHEO: Integrated Solutions of Health Economics and Organizations – is committed to supporting Biopharmaceutical and Medtech Companies that are launching innovative medicines and medical devices after years of investment and effort. We have developed ten years of experience in this sector, focusing primarily on the Italian market and expanding to the European one.